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Add These Emergency Numbers to Your Phone

Woman with car trouble using mobile phone

November 2019

When a crisis strikes, you won’t have time to Google the best number to call for help. Whether it be a flat tire, a sprained ankle, you just witnessed a crime, you immediately need to know who to call. Having the information stored in your phone is the easiest way to make sure you’re prepared for those moments.

First things first – if you don’t already have a designated “ICE” contact in your phone add it now. ICE stands for “In Case of Emergency” and allows first responders to contact your family, or whomever you feel most comfortable with, to support you in an emergency. Most phones allow you to “add emergency contact” as an option in your contact list, but you can also add the prefix “ICE” to anyone in your phone list.

Once you have your ICE contact(s) setup here are a few emergency numbers to know to save in your phone…just in case:


Okay, okay- everyone knows this one, but it’s also good to know for what circumstances you should call 9-1-1

  • Crimes of any kind
  • Life-threatening situations
  • Fires or Smoke in the building/home
  • Traffic accidents
  • Hazardous chemical spills
  • Fire/smoke detector or carbon monoxide alarms that are sounding
  • Explosive devices
  • Elevator rescues
  • Fuel spills
  • Beach or water-related emergencies

Poison Control

According to the CDC, accidental poisoning is the second leading cause of death, and although it tends to be most common in young children, poisoning is often more serious in adults. Poison control numbers vary by region but you can call 800-222-1222 to reach any poison control center in the country. Lines are open 24/7 and are staffed by pharmacists, health care providers, and other experts to help you in an emergency.

Rochester Gas & Electric

Rochester is known for having its fair share of nasty weather. Ice storms and wind storms are a given and can take down power lines and leave you in the dark. You can report a power outage to RG&E by calling 800-743-1701. If you smell natural gas or are experiencing a natural gas emergency, immediately leave your apartment and call 800-743-1702 to report it to RG&E.

Lost/Stolen Credit Card

Isn’t it ironic that the number to report a lost or stolen credit card is usually on the back of your credit card? Not helpful! Save your credit card company’s number before someone decides to have a shopping spree on you.

Additional Numbers to Know

For extra peace of mind, save these numbers in your phone:

  • Your doctors, dentist and other medical providers
  • Closest urgent care center
  • Insurance providers
  • Veterinarian
  • Animal control
  • Roadside assistance
  • Daycare and/or school office
  • Neighbors and coworkers who can help you in emergency situations.

Hopefully, you never have to use these emergency numbers, but devoting 10-15 minutes of your time to enter them in your phone will make sure you’re prepared for anything.