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Are we going to the Dogs?

Large dog and text "What's with the dogs"

November 2015

Still Dog-Free Apartments

Elmwood Manor is a dog-free apartment complex, and we don’t expect that to change in the near future. It’s surprising to see someone accompanied by a canine on our property, but it could happen. Unfortunately for dog-lovers hoping our policy had changed, we still don’t allow dogs. If you do see one being walked around our yard, it’s very likely an assistance dog.

Some dogs aren’t pets

Guide, service, and therapy dogs aren’t like most dogs. They’ve been deemed medically necessary by a doctor or other medical professional. They’re also protected by laws and regulations, which is why they get to be in places where dogs aren’t usually allowed. Though their owners do enjoy having them around, the primary job of these dogs is to help their owners in a physical, mental, or social way. Some of them live with their owners, while others are brought in from another location to help someone for a short time. If you see a therapy dog, he might be working, so try not to interrupt him. Always ask before petting any dog you don’t know, especially one that might be a working dog.

To learn more, check out this information about assistance dogs and therapy dogs.